Tuesday, September 27, 2011


To a man in love with his hammer, every problem requires a nail. - David Brooks

I posted this as a status on FB. Okay, so perhaps I am scrounging around for aphorisms and adages to keep my spirits up. And as long as I am doing that, I might as well observe the over-used "wisdom" that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.

The long and short of all of this is that I am trying to look at my problems and issues and challenges and trying to redefine, recast them. And I am also hoping to find some other resources, behaviors, and attitudes to resolve issues.

That seems plenty ambitious to me.

Mom and Debee arrive tomorrow night. Much to be done, of course. Tonight I ironed pillowcases as that must be more important than clearing off the damn dining room table, right? I could watch the fifth disc of The Good Wife, Season 2 while ironing.

I haven't felt all that well. I took a way long nap. My 'phone was turned off so that I could take photos on the train. I set the nap alarm but did not hear it.  I ate all the rest of my lime popsicles. There were none at Trader Joe's today. How will I survive?
Tupelo at the vet yesterday. Does this lens make my nose look wide?
I hate all of you.

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17 of 100 May 24th It is hard to make plans to have fun when you would rather disappear into the earth. The depression continues, yet I am s...