Thursday, March 10, 2011


I might have to do something with the concept of "The Reluctant Nightowl." I don't really mean to be up so late, but when it gets quiet, I find myself more stimulated than calmed.

No matter what they tell you, kids, getting older is even stranger than it seems.

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. I did more or less fine today. Most of the mood of intensity was gone. And what ho! perspective and possibly even a more level-headed course of behavior and discourse sets in.

On another hand, I am finding that discipline is more than the plan or even commitment to stick to something. There are levels of pain, boredom, and maybe even disappointment in the calm repetition of behavior. I suppose there is a downside to controlling oneself.

At this time, however, I am going to relinquish control of myself and, instead of sensibly going to sleep, I am going to watch the last 23 minutes of the DVD I have been consuming.

Maybe they never learn.

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