Monday, January 14, 2013


The proof of any art’s lasting value is a comprehensive emotional necessity: it’s something that a person needed to do and which awakens and satisfies corresponding needs in us.  
Peter Schjeldhal, Shape of Things: The Birth of the Abstract
Read the rest here.

Well, I read that days ago. And I am not possessed of enough consciousness to write a proper post, but I don't want to get out of the habit entirely.

I was in Brooklyn and Manhattan quite a bit last week, and somehow did not find or carve out the time and mindspace to reflect or even report on the week's activities. 

Now, I am back in Brewster, with a few work related items on my to do list, so this will be short.

Kittehs are swell. Cooder is ready for me to come to bed. Emmylou is entertaining on the home front with her "throw-all-discretion-to-the-wind" way of sprawling while she sleeps. 

I would that I slept that deeply and well.

One of her more subdued poses.
And to that end, I am going to take this cycle of tiredness to try to get to sleep earlier than my current usual.

I'll be back.

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