Thursday, June 28, 2018


It is entirely within the realm of possibility that I am just being overdramatic (or is that overly?). Lately, Janet complains of being light-headed and out of it. Note to self: check her blood pressure. But then again, she usually comes up with this as we are about to get into the car to go somewhere. Today, I am feeling faint, bereft, and tearful. Oh, did I mention thoroughly inadequate and overwhelmed? Over-demanded upon? To the point that even trying to focus on writing seems like too much. I always have somewhere else to be, something else do. I guess any degree of happiness, joy, and contentment are as far out of my reach as the American Dream. 

Well, we all know what a crock of shit that is, was, and ever shall be.

Sometimes, chatting with you grounds me. Today, I think I would sign up for annihilation if the pain wasn't too bad.

Oh, don't worry, I am not feeling at all self-destructive, just, you know those words: despondent, hopeless, crushed.

Some of it is the country we are now awake to. I was pretty sure we were headed that way when reality tv become so acceptable and lauded. That probably sounds radical and wait! overdramatic, but   such a celebration of the banal and crass seemed like a clear warning sign to me. 

But the depression and lethargy of my mother really doesn't help.

I feel dizzy myself. Unsure. Unable to operate heavy machinery like my life or anyone else's.

I try to shift my focus to the pretty flowers in the window boxes outside my desk. I did manage after years to get those installed. But wait! They need watering. Hell, I need watering. Where's my diet coke?

Maybe I need to cry out the poison.


  1. The sun will come up tomorrow, my friend. I believe our last president said this regrading the election.

  2. I know this is disgustingly literal, but make sure she’s hydrated...I get low blood pressure and dizzy when I’m not...and doesn’t have a UTI. A real threat when you’re old, and can totally change your personality.



17 of 100 May 24th It is hard to make plans to have fun when you would rather disappear into the earth. The depression continues, yet I am s...