Feels like that tonight. It is fall. And wasn't it just last week that I was complaining about sticky night fingers while typing ...
Tomorrow is the Brooklyn Book Fair, dontcha know ... Martha is here from Brewster and we plan to get up early and try to make more of the show than we did last year.
So today was reading the MW script which is neeaarly done ... L did a terrific job of re-arranging much of what J had come up with into a newly coherent narrative. And taking a great nap.
And having a capital D-delicious dinner at Northeast Kingdom with Martha and son Brett. I had my first butternut squash bisque of the season, plus black mushroom crostini, and a crab cake. Mart and I both had spicy margaritas which we highly recommend.
And Hal, this is about the best I could do to get Emmylou with her eyes closed.
Bravo! Eyes definitely closed!