Some days it feels as if just staying positive is the accomplishment. I have hopes that beneath my every day demeanor and general geniality, there are forces at work that will translate into inspiration and fire for some new endeavor. That my charming, articulate, visionary self will appear as I am writing my resume or making a new contact or two. Tomorrow, right?
Meanwhile, here's a shot of the first pizza of the season, a Mexican variation. Pretty good. It was too hot in the kitchen though. That's Melinda cutting the pie. We had to do something to celebrate the season finale of True Blood.
I also managed to go to the Brooklyn Public Library today and ONLY check out the book that was on hold for me (Dorothy Wickenden's family memoir, the name of which escapes me now.) That may well have been a first. I am trying to better align my expectations of what I can really read. And the Smart Women's Book Group is reading Lethem's Fortress of Solitude, which is quite long.
I am afraid Cooder has taught Emmylou how to get my attention by clawing on things while I am typing. This is not a good trend. One of the two caught a mouse today. Considerately, they left it near the wastebasket. Or they missed a shot.
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