It's only 9:53 but I am quite sleepy. There was no time for napping today as I jumped back into relative productivity. As a result, I hope of over-zealous and perhaps a little too long delayed flossing on Sunday night, either my gums are sore or I have a toothache. Pain makes a body grouchy, not to mention worry about what could be wrong. And, the constant concern of not having employment, insurance, or anything of that nature.
But L and I worked on the MW script for a good two hours today. It's in good shape, although not entirely finished. The dishes are all done, including the cast iron skillets and espresso pot. Some fabric pieces put away after sitting around for a month or more (and even after Emmy threw the whole box on the floor for fun). Did some work in html learnin'. Talked to Debee about the trip out here with mi madre next week.
Fall is in the air. Can you believe daylight savings time doesn't end until November 6? Seems like it should be about now.
Cooder is happier these days and hangs out in the front rooms again. She and Emmylou settled down for a mid-morning nap even before I could get the bed made. They aren't playing together, but they will play at the same time with a reasonable proximity.
The really interesting stuff is in the day's etcetera, sometimes. I like your title too.