The green in the trees had a yellow undertone. Here and there were plants already burst into red.
I've heard rain has an effect on the fall color, but I cannot remember what it all means.
I'm still enjoying lime popsicles, feeling sticky as the day goes on. The air this afternoon was caressingly soft, as was the light. Not crisp, as the air was on the morning of 9/11/01. Perhaps that crispness will arrive next week. Assuming that NYC isn't hit with a dirty bomb or something.

This decaying beauty was on the steps behind the theater, leading up to the boarding house. I had to go up and down them several times to load the car.
There were other nifty sights to behold along the way. I didn't take a picture of it, but there was a small wasp colony on the outside of my bedroom window, mere inches from where I lay my weary head. (And it was weary from time to time during the weekend.)
The spider web near the back door caught some quite beautiful raindrops. Did not see any spiders although I seem to have sustained some spider bites.
There was some kind of bug on the backdoor frame I saw as I came and went. Larry told me what it was but I don't remember the name. I didn't look sting-y or angry or anything so I just let it be. I should be so lucky.
Emmylou is doing just fine. Cooder is hanging in there. She and I took a cheek-to-cheek nap today in the afternoon sun coming in the front window. Emmylou (currently aka "Clownfeet") slept at the foot of the bed, keeping a respectful distance. She's a handful.
I love the colors too. Beautiful photos!