Monday, January 23, 2012


Sunday, January 22

Oh today did not look good.  The first few hours I worked hard to ward off despair. A not-so-good night's sleep and waking up early did not help. I duly arose, drank some coffee, did my moderating job, wallowed in panic, tried to go back to sleep, and finally figured I might as well try to accomplish something if I couldn't sleep.

Monday, January 23
I just couldn't do yesterday justice by the time I sat down to write. Me old pal, MW, called from California at a much earlier hour than I would have expected from him. (Then again, when your mood challenged people call at odd hours, it is not generally a good thing.) We had a meaningful discussion that, surprising to me, shed some light/relief on one of my larger angst sources. And he's in a unique position to help out with this particular issue, so I was grateful for the serendipity.

KaHug and I had scheduled a work session. She's writing a (cool) book, and needs a second voice out in the wilderness. As is usually the case, we moved along into a more philosophical discussion of the world, our lives, and what the hell to do with them. This, too, cheered me.

After a nearly horizontal morning, I found myself buyoued into verticality and productivity. Bread was made. Clothes were ironed. Beds were made. Yoga was practiced. Top Hat was watched.

Emmy cannot stay away from me when I do yoga. She continually crawled under my face, stopping to make sure that her tail was as much in my nose as could be.

JR thinks this may be a sign of the coming apocalypse: I watched the entire 49'er-Giants football game. And. Enjoyed. It.

John and Melinda had invited me for an early dinner. John excused himself to watch the game. Mel and I drifted in. Three hours later we were all yelling and screaming. John and Melinda were slightly amazed that 1) I knew anything about football whatsoever and 2) that I would becoming a screaming fan. Growing up in Boystown, one gets exposed to sports. And such is my way, I have to know about it and what is going on. I cannot imagine that I will give up reading or my other activities to become a sports couch potatoe, but it was fun for a change.

So, today still raining but warmer. I did not get much outdoor exercise these last two days, so I think I will make a point of a walk today.

Cooder was already in bed.

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1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...