Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So much for ADHD. For the past several hours, I have been focused on photographing and posting things on eBay. As this is only my second time trying to sell a bunch of things, I still have much to learn. And, as with so many new things, tasks take longer than one expects. (My seller name is Xosas.)

Emmylou GREATLY enjoyed the photography sessions when I moved them to the floor. I think being a still photographer for product shots must be some kind of hell. And while I am interested in lighting and light sources when I watch movies, for some reason I am not making any correlations that produce any kind of A-HA!

She did make me seriously crazy today.

Okay, well, we've been over that scenario before. I did some thought-provoking reading and I hope I get organized enough to share with y'all in a productive way.

A good portion of the day was spent in a bit of shock as a friend quite suddenly lost someone quite close. One of those step back and blink kind of WTF moments, and then just sadness and grieving.  I was not close to the person who passed along, though knew the person, but the shock and confusion for my friend is nearly beyond my mental comprehension, but not my emotional comprehension.

Plus, I had some kind of near-epiphany on my way to therapy. I was very much struggling with the day and my feelings when there was a pop.  And, as of now, I will just leave it as a tease as I am too tired to remember the substance, only the event. Hopefully, the epiphany will return as a way forward.

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1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...