Sunday, May 22, 2011


Another rapture? Miep yawns.
Are we dead yet? Is this the post-rapture world? If so, I hope there is still time to do some looting after the Rapture Survivors' Brunch. I'd go back to owning a television if I could have a flat screen ... although where would I put it? I watch Netflicks on my iPhone these days.

 Looks like just another rainy cool day to me. If the summer would be mild, it might almost be worth not having any Spring, but I doubt the gods of fairness would weigh in on weather. Besides, I think they are hibernating as I haven't seen hide nor hair of them in ages.

Back in February, I wrote about taking the train up the Hudson River to visit Liz and Larry in the Adirondacks. (Going again on Thursday, this time with Timmy "the Fun" Lagasse and his missus Missy Johnson.) I mentioned the views along the Hudson. Today's NY Times has a slide show of one of the crumbling mansions, so I had to share: A Restoration on the Hudson.

There were four kitties at the Rapture Survivors' Brunch. Most of these are Spork who spent the most time with us at the brunch. I just thought you'd like to see some other kitties.

Another nearly rapturous event occurred when after the brunch, (with Becky Mac's Bloody Marys a delish treat in the midst of complete food largesse: savory bread pudding, homemade roasted breakfast potatoes, homemade coffee cake, mimosas ... I hurt thinking about it), we went over to the Prop Shop Film Recycling Center. I ended up volunteering to help them sort and price things. Me working at a Thrift Store ... fox in the henhouse? Hello.
I am Punkin.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the "castle" photos. Glad it's being restored. What a bizarrely ornate structure! Would have guessed it as much older than 1900.



1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...