Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today was better. The sleeping pill helped. And I went to bed much earlier than tonight for instance. I didn't spend very much time with myself today. You might be wondering, given the bummer I've been on, why I would want to spend any time with that crazy bee-yatch anyway. All I can tell you is that she means well, and she is trying.

I woke up, more or less on time. I drank my morning caffeine allotment. I worked with Robert. Then I headed to the Upper West Side to work with Jason and Louise on the MW script. I was mostly working from 1:00 to 9:00 with only a short sojourn for air, coffee, and The Goodwill. Creative concentration is tiring. Or should that be concentrated creativity? We did excellent work (kudos to Louise here) but I am somewhat burnt out.

I'm taking a bit of a break from M. Swann and his amor désastre, for some lighter reading: Join the Club: How Peer Pressure Can Transform the World. Where I saw the book recommendation, I cannot remember, however, it it enlightening and perhaps encouraging. Those jaded among you would not appreciate, enjoy, nor embrace as it is necessary to allow that things can improve in the world. Difficult to comprehend in these days of perfidy, venerated greed, cupidity, stupidity, and likely other -idities I cannot, at this moment, name. (Here's a more ... well, negative review. Some good points are made.)

So, laundry dropped off, kitchen clean, kitties extra happy because they got kitty tuna which is a rare occurrence, and at least a sincere attempt at writing, I think I can lay down my weary load.

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