Monday, February 7, 2011


It's late, so I can admit my tiredness. I'm on a bit of an emotional/spiritual/motivational roller coaster, although roller coaster is too dramatic. And then there is the brain death and dull buzz I feel.

In the aggregate, however, it was not a bad day, even if I did succumb to a bit of white wine. I suppose my disappointment in myself comes from not having completed the desk re-organization and from having spent time watching Sunday night's episode of Big Love instead of working.

To the positive side, I did go out and do some walking and grocery shopping, picked up my laundry (and even got most of it put away), did some work on both projects, did some writing, made two different kinds of soup, got the kitchen all cleaned up including dishwasher running and litter boxes clean.

Which leads me to question my expectations of myself. Living alone and not having an out-of-house job may be skewing my self-image. On a daily basis, I don't have too many markers or guidelines. I know that I prefer that in many ways, so that I can operate in my will-o-the-wisp mode, but perhaps it is also at odds with some of my goals and ambitions.

I'm going to take that musing to bed.

1 comment:

  1. sigh: I'd typed a comment the main point of which is: I'm not living alone, but know how you feel, as my work is intermittant & self-directed, & projects loom, uncompleteable, so I rarely get to pat mysef on the back, "job done"... but clicking "post comment" made it disappear... --trying again.



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