Sunday, February 13, 2011


Time not only flies when you are having fun, it can fly while you are just wasting time or trying to write a blog post, for chrissakes.

I am feeling oozy-bloozy this evening. I am fairly sure that several things are contributing to my vaguely anxious ennui. And none of them are that earth-or-vibe shattering in and of themselves, but they add up.  Earlier today, I was chatting with me mam, and remarked that hunger could have something to do with it. Sure enough, some pizza helped.

I think sleep is the next step.

Although I am not, by nature, a particularly anxious person, this week is Kidscreen, the stupidly expensive kids' media "conference" ... I certainly don't have the extra jack for this. We miscreants and unemployed roam the bars and hallways watching the desperate, bored, and uninitiated bargain and jockey for a position in the kids media game. One always sees folks who ask what you are up to. And then you are forced to smile and simper and fib depending on who are speaking with. I don't even like to get dressed up like a grown-up; that alone causes me stress. Plus, I have to get up early and get to mid-town ... ugh.

I think that is my negativity speaking. Maybe something good and fun will happen!

I exercised my flabby discipline muscles today and made myself read that damn Montaigne book. I hit my target and am now in the homestretch of 100+ pages with two days until the meeting. I began to get cabin fever from sitting around reading, so I went out for a walk to the post office (0.5 miles) to send back my Netflix. Just for that discipline, of moving.

I also posted an old wedding mix. You can download it here if you are feeling nostalgic, romantic, or the like. Some great artists and great songs. Here's a track listing.


  1. Hi--thank so much for the music. It helped me get through curriculum documents from military science to music 102Z. I too am reading a book club book--Cloud Atlas. It's well-written but I'm finding it rough going. The current voice he's using (there're about seven, I think) is kind of like the gollem in Lord of the Rings, and I'm finding it annoying, can't imagine anyone really talking like the narrator does.
    I looked for any montaigne on my book shelf, but only found a Moliere in the yellow edition all those books I had came in. I also have a book on him in English that my grad professor gave me because I helped him with the title. I remember being annoyed with M's attitude about women. But I liked his sort of digressive style, and he is indeed a good source of quotes. Good luck with the book you are reading.

  2. I'm supposed to be reading "You Are Your Instrument" (J.L. Lieberman) for advice on (post stroke malady) cubital tunnel syndrome, but instead am completely hooked on Jack Whyte's Romans in Britain (367 A.D.) hist. fict. series (often find great thrift store bks. no one I know has heard of) so much so I heard a rhyme when I explained to Doug what I was reading (expanded only a little): There once was an author I thought hot/So online some info I got/Now I like him more/Than I did before/Now that I know he's a Scot!//What my bit of ephemera doesn't say is that he is quite famous in Canada (does a traveling Burns tribute), which explains why no one here knows of him. Perhaps you learned 2 do?



 14 May Isn’t there something delightful about the word “jelly”? I am not even that much of a fan but it is so fun and tasty! I am indulging...