Saturday, June 5, 2021


 47 of #100daychallenge

The neighbors are having a sweet family party to celebrate the graduation of the eldest girl. This is absolutely the kind of party I am in favor of. Yes, we can hear it, me especially since my desk is just 10 or so feet away. But what I get is real joy. And gosh, that is good vibe worth cherishing wherever it comes from. Luz came over with cake, which is so sweet since it proves she was thinking of us, and made an apology for the noise. I assured her that it was no bother whatsoever and to turn it up if need be. It feels like a very sweet and special occasion, as well it should be.

It's neighbors kind of day. I saw that Sally, on the other side, was probably alone, so I cut some flowers from my garden, along with some extra food that Jimmy had dropped off, and went over to hang with her for awhile. We went out to check out her garden and talk plants. I also got caught up with some of her family goings on. Then we went into the front and peeked at her neighbor's new plantings in the backyard, and then dissed some shoes of someone getting out of a car. We laughed. We would have been hellions together.

Made it to Saturday yoga, notwithstanding a bit of over-indulgence the evening before. I am having a hard time easing alcohol out of my day and tracking my food intake, but I am not giving up. Process, girl, process. Not an event. And, as Scarlett O'Hara said, I think, tomorrow is another day and I will think about it at Tara.

I did make small progress. I did get some bulbs into the ground, finally (there are more and it is very late).The flowers are well-watered. There is much much much grass to be pulled up from the beds. I got the dining room table cleared off and some packages wrapped to be mailed. What will the world do if I am not sending books and cds?

I am going to take these small victories and get some sleep so that I can take another yoga class in the morning and take another shot at a new dining room table. 

"All siblings have different parents. We are all born at different times in our parents' marriage. Parents do not treat their children indentically, as much as they might strive to, and children bond or not and relate differently to each parent. This is obvious, but it is important to state because, in spite of having three sisters, this is my story, only my story."

— Delia Ephron, Sister Mother Husband Dog, Etc. Penguin, New York, 2013

1 comment:


1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...