Tuesday, June 8, 2021


50 of #100daychallenge

Jacaranda and sky.

For the record, I started this this morning. I had a good paragraph about coffee grounds going. Then, I had to get up to attend to Janet and when I returned some feline had managed to erase the whole damn thing.

My coffee grounds tirade was basically asking if others had as much bothersome trouble managing those damn spent grains? Janet uses a pour-over method and I have a stovetop espresso maker. I generally save the grounds for putting in the garden. The natural dirt here is a bit dense and clay-like, at least in the places it has not been amended. We go through a lot of coffee, so I toss the grounds all over the front and back yards. To that end, I have a container I keep on the sink with coffee grounds. Yet, I seem to have grounds all over the damn place. I feel as if I shed them myself. Coffee grounds are a substance with a mind of their own that I cannot quite control.

In other News Of Annoyance, one of my brand-new tires seems to have a slow leak. Thank goodness for Gus, next door neighbor, who would have fit in with my dad and his crew. He noticed my tire was low. I would have just gotten in and driven. I mean, do all of you check your tires before you go anywhere. They are still under warranty at Costco, but the local Costco is a hell-hole one doesn't want to spend much time in. I got an appointment for Sunday at 11:30, so hopefully I won't have to hang around in the sun or fluorescent lights for too long. At least Costco doesn't. have awful music or blue light specials being blasted over a loudspeaker system.

I broke a tooth tonight eating a falafel. I think this molar had a pretty big cavity (my parents acted as if dentistry was something newfangled and worth being wary of, but perhaps it was a monetary thing as well) from childhood. The tooth hurt when it broke, but it is okay now. I won't need a root canal and hopefully I can get a temporary crown. Falling apart, kids.

Yoga was good today. Although it sounds counter-intuitive given how difficult it is to get Janet out of the house, we moved up the meeting time to 10:30 so that I could reasonably out of there by noon. Janet and I were late, but not terribly and part of it was an accident on the way there. So, we did get started by 11:00. Just seeing how these bodies have changed in six weeks is amazing. And they report that they carry some with them, like trying to be in alignment and exercising their feet. I hope this is getting me some good karma points as I could surely use them.

I am yawning. I had my fingerprints done today, so I should be good to go on the city yoga class that theoretically meets a week from tonight. I would like to know so that I can order some props and think about what I need to do on the first night.

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