Friday, March 9, 2018


Yes, another poor decision. Even though I have to get up early to get to Carole's Memorial Mass, I decided I had to make another quiche tonight. Now it is 11:00, I am sleepy, but the quiche is baking. I could go to sleep right now. I suppose I should get to my tooth ablutions; sometimes I wait until I am hysterically, desperately sleepy and I curtail the appropriate dental care.

Scotch is enjoying sitting and sleeping in the window lately. It seems too cold to me.

On the good news side, my reading groove has returned. There are times when I can't concentrate or the reading is sluggish. I am deep into Americanah, a re-read of The Handmaid's Tale, and Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys' Club of Silicon Valley. I won't finish that last one as it is due in two days and I am only halfway through. I started listening to Grown-Up Anger: The Connected Mysteries of Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, and The Calumet Massacre of 1913. This one is a good nap and bed time listen.

Okay then. Off to dental hygiene. And look! The artichokes cometh.

Well, we drove down to the Mass but missed it all. We did see one niece and had a nice visit. Plus, if I can find a truck and some moving help within the next 9 days, we can replace our washer and dryer! Whee!!

Janet almost cancelled going at all, but I was able to get her out of the house. Oh well, we did try some. This niece, A, looks pretty well for all the stresses of the past few months, plus moving to be in Sandy, Utah with her peeps next week. I think this will be good for her. I had to give her some tips about adjusting to living with snow.


Janet and I are listening to Katy Tur's memoir, Unbelievable: My Front Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History as an audiobook in the car. I mention it because I think it it making me anxious to relive the horror of the campaign as well as our every day life.

(Stacked cats.)

Friday friday friday. Going to The Troubadour tonight to see G. Love and Special Sauce if I can remember how I bought the ticket. Up and down week, but I did make some progress on some odious tasks, so am feeling a bit better.  I lost an ATM card last week and I think that's how I bought it. Plus, the roses are blooming and the azalea is blooming for the first time since I planted it two years ago! I also have more of a gardening plan (move two rose bushes in the front elsewhere, and move the beautiful lemon grass plants all to the front yard).


From other
angles the
fibers look
fragile, but
not from the
spider's; always
hauling coarse
ropes, hitching
lines to the
best posts
possible. It's
heavy work
fighting sag,
winching up
give. It
isn't ever
to live.

Kay Ryan, The Best of It: New and Selected Poems, New York, Grove Press, 2010

(Yes, they need food. I didn't feed them at all last year.)

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