Wow. I did not know that "emo" could be such a shock to the system. Thinking that maybe I should get out of the house, I wandered down to the Red Horse Cafe, to drink some coffee and use their internet. Wow, again. I guess I don't get out much. Maybe they have a stereotype quotient here. I wish I could take photographs because the ambiance, the vibe was so strong. Readers. Writers. Actors! Directors! Bloggers. Quainter than the places I have been in Manhattan. I guess I have not ventured into internet cafe land in Brooklyn before.
I like working out of my house, but in these days of extra personal stress, I can be too prone to states of being overwhelmed.
Good coffee, here, though, and a tasty croissant.
Everyone had their device, everyone was working away, very quietly. There was not a feeling of chatter and camraderie, which is also okay. But it was rather like walking on to a set with all the extras very focussed, just before the director yelled, action, or the heroine burst through the door.
And, as I said, I don't frequent The Red Horse nor any WiFi cafe in Brooklyn. The vibes I get in the Manhattan places I do frequent, Joe's in the Village and Pecan in Tribeca, have a very different, and, at least superficially, less self-absorbed "emo" ambiance. Those in the city feel much more energetic and all about "bidness". Iris and I watched two excellent examples of "les soigneueses" looking fabulous and crunching numbers as they sipped their lattes.
And listen, all you sweet lovelies. The immediate cash crunch is in abeyance. I called Con Ed to make sure that I understood where I stood, only to have someone be as sweet as sugar and inform me that I had a credit! Thanks to all of your amazing donations, I am close to ... well, absolutely not solvent, but I even had money to restock the kitty litter and the lime popscicles.
Now, to just find some self-confidence and a job.
Now print that out and put it over your desks!
One more cup of coffee 'til I go ... |
This woke me up this morning. |
P.S. As I published thispost, I realized I sounded awfully calm and chipper, which might be striking from my last few missals. I assure you I am only having a momentary reprieve. There was something so lightening about calling my three financial nemeses and not having to wrangle or argue or finagle or anything. That lessening of stress, even for a few minutes, changed my world for the moment.
So, I am "emo" myself.
Srill, I'd like to go to the Red observe.
ReplyDeleteAnd reprieves are good. Between every labor pain is a rest...