Sunday, October 16, 2011



Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just more in a reading  mood today than a writing one. Maybe it is the grey weather, but I have been more drawn to other worlds than my own.

I did do laundry and some other sundry things ...

and then I was attacked by Emmylou and really could not go on writing.


And now, as it is Saturday afternoon,  I have a Cooder wanting some attention. What is a poor girl to do?


And now on to Sunday without a post.

Again, nothing really wrong, just in a distant mode, non-communicative, pensive.

I took a walk to the park today as I was in danger of squandering a beautiful autumn day. I called my friend KaHu in California. Since the passing of our friend Barbara, there have been many other changes in that circle. D is mostly down in Los Angeles working on a new series for Disney Junior. His husband, E, quit his job at Chronicle Books. CW has her house on the market and is planning to go back to get a Master's degree in Library Science. CW's was my home in Oakland in many ways, so it is a bit of a shock to find it, too, was transient.

My friends in Oakland and Berkeley seemed so stable, a group and a place I could always drop in and be welcomed and cared for. I often think of the life I didn't lead with these people when I chose to move to Los Angeles and then New York. A parallel life I didn't lead. But I always thought would be there for me.

Shows what I know about the nature of change.

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