Saturday, October 8, 2011


I admit to being a little bit excited and it kind of takes over from all the other concerns (like losing my iPhone today or misplacing it ... I don't know where it is, although I have my suspicions). Louise and I and then Jason had a long Monsterwood work session yesterday. Louise was so fired up that she finished the draft and sent it along to me today. I have rarely heard her so pleased and excited.

I read through it, made a few notes, but even I, Principessa Skeptica, think that it is ready for prime time now. That means we will send it to a few of our close friends to make sure there are no big problems or holes that we are too close to see. And then we will send it out to the world at large. We have a few contacts, so we are not 100% shooting in the dark.

Jason has been working on this for 12 years. I've been working on it off and on for about six. Louise has been on the project for two. This also means that Louise and I can send it out to see if we can get other script writing work. Or even an agent.

No idea what is going to happen, but it is some kind of milestone. And to celebrate, I am going to feed Tupelo and watch another episode of the depressing Breaking Bad. I am not going to do even any "mental shopping" or speculating. But it is still something.

I sure hope I find my iPhone.



1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...