Today felt like Job's day (and no, not the guy from Arrested Development). I will spare you the details, tears, and other psychological challenges. The world political scene does nothing to improve my energy and sense of wonder.
The wins were: didn't stay in bed all day; chores were completed; left the house and worked with Louise for several hours; continued resume refine and job hunt; managed to not yell at family and friends who were irritating. Reasonable accomplishments, no?
The grey is bleeding to black, or is that color gravity? Light density? I don't know, can't tell. So, I have taken a bit of a sleeping aid and will rest in the bathtub for awhile. Perhaps the world and prospects for it will be lighter in the morning.
Also, note to self ... do not watch Judd Apatow productions. Just. Don't. Do. It.
I have so far resisted the apatow juggernaut. My offspring tell me what they think I need to know about the phenomenon.