- Sir Francis Bacon
(Plus thanks to whoever posted that quote.)
True enough that as you are in the middle of a change or a process, it can be damn difficult to know where you are and how it will all turn out.
KarHu and I speak often about our work processes, our creative processes. She's been thinking and working on her memoir/history, I think, since her father disappeared in the early 1960s. It is hard for her to see that much progress has been made and she considers, at least verbalizes, giving up.
Dreams and goals and creative demands can be stern and not comforting task masters. I do not say anything new here. The timing of when to perservere, when to regroup, break, abandon hope, or renew efforts are not marked, much less clearly.
I say nothing new here, but I think I feel it anew. Breathe. Move. Breathe. Move. Steps of varying sizes. And above all, don't latch on to the negative and ride ride ride. There's more negative wherever THAT came from. And maybe you can find a positive for balance.
I have mentioned that one find books all over the place in Brooklyn. Here is the haul from my Sunday walk. And I didn't even pick up all that interested me.
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