A sweet, productive day, 'though the dreggging effects of extra-alcohol over the weekend likely contributed to the palest of blues. That and the continued bad economic and political news. Trying to figure out how to get a job as the economy slides slides slides is not exactly cheerful and energizing work. No matter. No excuses. it must be done.
We did see the faint but clear signs of the coming of autumn: some red poison ivy ( I think it was poison ivy) and a single tree turning. This photo is only red because of Hipstamatic filter.
Red Rooster Drive-in, Brewster, NY. |
B and I stopped on Route 22 in Brewster on our way up. I didn't quite get around to eating dinner. We ate at the Red Rooster here. As B pointed out, only fast food in restaurant appearance as it was neither inexpensive nor fast. But it was tasty enough. Plus, I called the Alcotts, who live nearby. We all sat on the picnic benches for a laugh. B, Em, Mart, and I shared a chocolate malted milkshake.

On the way home, we stopped at a little waterfall park in Kent. I have rarely seen such a manicured, landscaped park, particularly in the countryside. B remarked it looked quite English, which is so very Connectict.
We stopped for a pulled chicken sandwich at the traditional stopping place, Mr. W's in Wingdale, New York. Quite defensible barbecue. And quite reasonably priced, too. Although the coleslaw did not stand up to Shelby's bleu cheese coleslaw in Schroon Lake.
I realize that none of this is very philosophical nor in keeping with the original mandate of the blog. No insights here, just some travelogue. Which is not because I am not musing or thinking. I am not in any "definitive" philosophical place. Besides my dismay at politics, I am thinking about love and work. And aging.
Oh, and learning some html. Watch out.
travelogue may not be philosophy, but it inspires philosophy...