Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oh yo. Today was a struggling day. I couldn't find my personal groove, my flow, that led me from one nice moment or accomplishment to another. Instead, it was I-and-I fighting and compromising for progress. Five minutes of work for five minutes of time wasting or solitaire (not exactly time-wasting) or something less important.

Accomplished? Bedroom rug vacuumed. Load of mouse-travelled oven storage dishes in dishwasher with bleach. Counter partly bleached. Oven turned on to "clean" and no mices running out. Pages of Anatomy of Addiction read. Nice nap. Miep medicated. A second volume of mix completed.

That's about it.

Miep is not as doing as well as might like.

An early bedtime is possible so I am going to go for it.

And tomorrow will be another day, perhaps better.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can get a good night's sleep. I've been having a little trouble in that department, which at least has the advantage of preventing the beginning of semester nightmares. Moseying through deciding how I will present greetings and salutations. I'll get that adrenaline rush tomorrow, without fail. Best of luck to you and the cats.



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