Forget about the
Game of Thrones line, "Winter is coming." Autumn is coming. The heat and a little humidity was here today, yet there was a softness, an undercoat of cool, the temperature equivalent of slowing down coming through. On a particular level, that would be reverse thinking as summer is the slow period. Fall is usually accompanied with a frenzy of activity to prepare for the hunkering down. The weather, the temperature, the air, and the light, these elements are all muted.

Another sign is read in cat friendliness. This was Cooder curled up in the living room rocking chair she has largely eschewed (she's a cat! of course she
eschews) since the advent of hot weather. I believe she is there again now, after, of course, a couple of hours of mouse patrol.
No sightings. No activity while humans or felines have been present. I have yet to set the next level of traps or finish the bleaching and cleaning of the oven and stove.
These things need to transpire at any rate, these cleaning tasks. My mother and our dear family friend Debee are coming to visit the last week of September, first week of October. And although I think the largest part of our time will be spent driving to Schroon Lake and Montreal, I need to fight back the encroaching mess. Also, Martha is coming in for the Brooklyn Book Fair in a couple of weeks, so it is getting to be visitor time again.

I had a great Saturday when I think about it. If I don't focus on what actually happened, I failed to do all I planned. I had a nice sunny nap with Cooder. Idyllic right? And before the nap I had finished watching a Netflix that has been here for two months (
When Did You Last See Your Father?) and the last Jane Campion movie (
Bright Star) as I ironed (so much that I got a blister).
Also, had an awesome catch-up/bonding call with the beautiful DreamFarm girl. So, all good.
Now, I am drinking some red wine ("Danger, Will Robinson!") and eating some dark chocolate while the kitchen floor dries. We make what progress that we can. Even got a good portion of my office floor mopped (I was about to slip on the residue of spray starch ... yes, I am that kind or ironer). I worked on
Monsterwood. Productive in general. Yet, I didn't get done what I had hoped to, so there's that judgment of failure.
Miep belly. |
Miep. Miep. She hasn't been very present. I can't even find her right now. She did, however, join me in nap time. For a few minutes, I had one kitteh purring by my head, having her head scratched. The other was stretched alongside me, having her belly rubbed. We all dozed in the afternoon sun. How bad could that be?
Miep paw. |
Miep paw, arty. |
Herself. |
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