Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Waves of heat and then a tricking cool before another wave.

I was able to sleep kind of normal hours, huzzah! I am continuing to improve health-wise. Just one step and then another. I need to get back to writing in the morning when my brain is more fresh. I am unfocussed and thinking about all the things I want to read before I go to sleep. That's an improvement from staying up until 2:00 watching Roseanne on my iPhone. That show was starting to depress me, so I need a break before I watch the last 2.5 seasons.

Meanwhile, two more things from the New Yorker. In the Evan Osnos article mentioned day before yesterday, a quote from Han:

"Just because you see people clustered eating shit doesn't make you want to squeeze your way in for a mouthful..."

which brings to mind the non-substantive, non-nutritious "information" we clamour for.  And entertainment, evidently.

Another Chinese intellectual/editor, Xu Zhiyuan, was paraphrased as saying, "The Web has a democratizing potential, but it privileges influence over substance ..."

I need to think more about that.

Clearly, coherence is not aiding me tonight. Boiled heat.

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