Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 14 May

Isn’t there something delightful about the word “jelly”? I am not even that much of a fan but it is so fun and tasty!

I am indulging in a bit of morning-bed-sitting which I have not been able to do since Janet came home. I do need to do my French lesson, mow the lawn, and head out to visit her. I couldn’t get myself together enough to go last night. 

Bummerly enough, the days of morning gloom are already here. The difference in a beautiful morning in the garden and today is quite nearly shocking. I like that in general, my neighborhood is empty at this time of day so that I don’t feel too bad about wandering in the garden in my pyjamas a bit. 

And the saga goes on. Yesterday had me pretty much felled after a conversation with the hospital that indicated that Janet’s medical benefits had run out and that either she had to come home for me to care for with minimal (like four hours tops a week) or go into a rest home that would begin depleting her, and I use this term loosely, assets. Which meant I would be looking at about six months to get out of here (a very daunting task) and figure out the rest of my life.

Imma just come out and say it: it’s hard to do anything when you are grieving. The idea of organizing, pitching, and selling all of my stuff is quite an ordeal in itself (although I am working on it). 

However, a facility re-ran her benefit history and it turns out that she is eligible for another 100 days. She had been back at home for sixty days which is the number at which the insurance resets. She went into the hospital again on the 61st day.

So, Reality Wolf, step back a step or two.

Off to lawn mow and French homework.

Moments have either a short bend or a long bend in the way they turn how things go, and this one had a long bend to it.

— Eliabeth Crook, The Madstone

15 May

I will not be describing either short or long story bends. 

Janet was checked into her new PT/rehab place. The decaying meat locker where she was previously housed looked nicer. And now that I think of it, the money they must have paid to be right next to the hospital should have tipped me off as to what they were up to. 

Her new place is not at all fancy, in fact, it almost looks a bit run down. But the care seems to be appreciably better. There are no screaming, slobbering patients about. Lots of them hang out in the lobby and take their afternoon naps there. The nurses remember my name and greet me. There always seems to be someone you can get ahold of. 

I need to hie myself to slumberland as tomorrow is another one chock full of fun, starting with another doctor's appointment for my mom early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. rough times, Medical Mafia very hard to deal with. Hang in there💕🐶💕



 May 21   The noise difference between Janet being here and not is quite pronounced. Perhaps we can go down a level of cacophony or two when...