Friday, May 21, 2021


 32 of #100 day challenge

"When parents die, the dream dies, too —the dream that they will see you for you really are (and, I suppose, the dream that they will be the parents you wish for)."

— Delia Ephron, Sister Mother Husband Dog

Interesting thought. I don't think that it applies to me. I think my mother has a pretty good idea of who I am, even if she doesn't always understand (or appreciate it). I am rather over dreaming my parents were ever going to be anyone but who they were, although I must admit I try to change Janet on a daily basis. On a good day, I can get her to modify her behavior a whit to being more on time, but that is as far as that goes.

Next Morning

Delia Ephron's book seems very childish to me, but I find myself using lots of book darts. There are aphorisms and some vaguely thought-provoking comments. Those sentences are more whimsy and day-dream provoking than actual thought. 

One, can't remember which but it could have been the total effect of spending my half-hour reading her book, made me wonder if "happy" and "sad" were actually opposites. First of all, I don't think "happy" is a Snow-White-singing-with-her-birds-state. It's more of a "I-slept-okay-even-if-I-did-dream-about-getting-sued-and-pursued-by-a-big-multi-national-corporation-and-wow!- thes-sun-is-shining" sense of beaming-with-apparent-normalness, more of a "I-think-I-can-get-through-this-day-without-limping-in-existential-pain state of mind. 

And sadness is not the "woe-is-me-can-I-still-force-myself-to-walk?" state of brooding into a misery spiral. You can be both at the same time. And that is kind of a nice state.

Next night.

The Delia Ephron book is currently hiding from me, so I won't be able to delve any further into its annoyances or interesting quips. I did get quite a lot of reading done was I waited for my doctor for almost an hour. Some possibly health concerns like a Vitamin D deficiency and early early early inklings of pre-diabetes which can likely be handled with a weight loss of ten or so pounds and some other dietary adjustments. I can do that.

All in all, a productive day. I had a nice lunch with my old friend, RV, to hand off the Richard Thompson memoir and catch up as it has been more than a year.


We expect rain

to animate this

creek: these rocks

to harbor gurgles,

these pebbles to

creep downstream

a little, those leaves

to circle in the

eddy, the stains

and gloss of wet.

The bed is ready

but no rain yet.

— Kay Ryan, The Best of It: New and Selected Poems, Grove Press, New York, 2010

1 comment:

  1. She was not my favorite Ephron. But given her folks (and her sister), nothing she could have written would have measured up. So you gotta give it to her for trying....



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