Friday, October 18, 2013


View from the deck.

Ya know, it is a different kind of day when you wake up rather early and get a-move on. I was up and out by 8:45 as I had made that vet appointment for Emmylou at 9. The morning light through the autumnal trees was quite different, and beautiful, than it is in the afternoon when I have been more likely to observe it.

Emmylou is generally fine, but they did find a flea on her, so it was suggested that we go into flea-fighting mode again. It won't be as intense as last year. Poor kitty is allergic to fleas, so it makes her extra-miserable. Not to mention the rest of us. 

After we returned and I was working, I realized I had not seen her which rather freaked me out as she tends to be near at hand, as is Cooder when she is feeling well (like now when she is once again near my shoulder on the back of the couch). After grabbing the flashlight and looking cellar to attic, I could not find her. Albert was dancing around wanting something, so I took him out, calling for Emmy as I walked around. And I heard her little mew. Sure enough, she had escaped, probably through the tiny hole in the screened-in-porch screen door. The birds nesting and chirping must have been too much of a temptation. But now we are all inside again.

Okay, back to the tasks at hand.

Through the day with neither shower nor nap! But I should to bed now as tomorrow I am off to Rhinebeck. There is much Monsterwood work to be done. 

Albert and I did the hour loop today. We tried to get out before the school buses were making their noisy rounds, but we did encounter several leaf-blowers. 

Very much enjoyed that Neil Gaiman article I sent around on my other blog.

I'm going to suggest that reading fiction, that reading for pleasure, is one of the most important things one can do.

I've got something important to do before I fall asleep.

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