The move went well. B2 even helped me to get the room sort of laid out. I am sitting in the rocking chair between the window where I fully expect Cooder to spend quite a bit of time. She used to like the rocking chair in the morning light in the old place. I will post more pictures as it comes together. My bed is currently a blow up twin mattress (thanks to Mel and John) over there in the back left.
Some of the pieces I moved were somewhat moldy from basement damp, so I have some cleaning to go when I go back with the kittehs, Saturday or Sunday. And then start ... what ... trying to make a new life or figure out how to sustain myself.
B2 was beyond welcoming and friendly and we spent some time organizing a few things in the kitchen. I will miss cooking on M's lovely new stove, what did I name it? Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, for my daily meals . That will make the time and the meals I cook when I am here all the sweeter.
The kittehs will be confined to these two spaces which is probably fine for Cooder, but Emmy likes to run around. She got out two or three times today while we were moving. Lots of doors here, so it was hard to keep track.
Oh well. I had Cheez-Nips for dinner as I had no time to buy food at Grand Central Terminal on my home. I had about 10 minutest to buy a ticket and get to the train. So bed seems like a good bet.
Welcome back home!