Wednesday, September 11, 2013


How do you get interesting? You get interesting by being interested.
— Jeff Nunokawa

I think he is right. A dash of enthusiasm helps too. I just looked back on Jeff's post and someone commented that all mothers tell that to their children, which kind of took the wind out of my sails. I'm pretty sure neither of my parents said any such thing to me.

So now sitting out on the deck because hey, pretty soon I won't be able nor want to. It's now in the high 80s/low 90s and somewhat stifling, again that being relative. I'm listening to a recording of Beethoven Sonatas as I am trying to do a short Coursera course on Listening to Beethoven's Sonatas. I listened to the first week's lectures and enjoyed them, though I did not pay the close attention I think was warranted. As most of my music is in storage, I happened to snatch a couple of relevant CDs for $1 each at the local thrift store, The Eagle Eye.

None of this has anything to do with anything but setting the scene... that it is hot and the leaves are dead and blowing around. I guess I could also add that I really don't much like the Pathetique Sonata, particularly the first and third movements. Ma mère and I do not see eye to eye on this topic whatsoever. She loves loves loves the emotion of Beethoven. I find him to be often bombastic (cf, Pathetique). However, I am willing to change my mind/view.

I realize that some of you will also find this to be heresy. EJB will be sorely pressed not to respond in apocalyptic brilliance about why I am a cretin/philistine in this respect. (She doesn't have much time at the moment.) Give me credit for trying to like it? There was a Deutsche Grammophon Beethoven compilation also that serves as introduction to their gi-normous (LD really hates that word. Why not gi-gantic or e-normous? e-jantic!) Beethoven box set. So, I am a-listening away and hearing some smaller, more intimate, more social occasion music and I am quite taken with a couple of cuts. (Cello-Sonate A, op. 60, Scherzo ... lovely, brisk, fun! and a dance, 7 Ländler, and the second movement of Violin Sonatas in F major, op 24 is heavenly.)

Okay, more water, back to work. The power tools are still going, these many months later, by the way. I suspect chain saw for fire wood right now.

We do miss Albert, particularly Emmylou. 

And you won't be able to see this, but I edited the html on this post to get this typeface.
Chive flowers with beans and tomatoes.

What the hell is a jump break? Fooling around a bit with this website. It's been pretty much the same since I put it together almost three years ago.

Cats really take this heat personally. Cooder, being an older soul, just lays low until it is cool enough to request greenies. Emmylou, and she so furry, follows me around as if she were waiting on me to act on this problem. I have the coffee table in the family temporarily cleared off for a little project I was trying and she is flat out there, her fur wafting in the fan breeze.

So now here's a gallery of photos from this week's CSA (community sustainable agriculture) share and a drive by an apple orchard. 

My hair is still damp six hours after I washed it.

I love love love this photo.


  1. Love the garden and orchard photos Sally. Happy autumn.

  2. I love your fruit and vegetable photos. I was at our farmer's market yesterday...What colors there too! Amazing vegetable world!



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