Wednesday, January 2, 2013


New Years' kittehs.1
New Years' kittehs.2
The kids are still home, although A is leaving tomorrow.

I know I sounded pretty down on New Years' Eve, but yesterday was the best New Years' Day in living memory. Who'd a thunk it?

It all started with an early (for this house on that morning) call: a friend of M's wanted an accidentally gifted wooden spoon returned to her. M and I met/collided/rendezed-vous in the kitchen attempting to make coffee where M wondered about the significance of the first event of the New Year being such a 'phone call. Did that portend, would she indeed, be plagued throughout the year with people niggling her for minor details. Would the year be full of pests and pesks? Uncaffeinated and therefore vulnerable as we were, this catatapulted us into paroxyms of giggles, and thus began the day.

I kicked off the 2013 cooking with two frittatas, one vegetarian, one not. Easy and quite tasty.

Yes, carmelized onions on top there.

So, this "broadcast" was interrupted by doing some musical business and now it is about two hours later and inasmuch as this is not the post I had planned, 1:00 a.m. is past my bedtime. Guess that's what happens when you are hanging around young people.

Oh, and it is 19 degrees right now. Yes, it is very cold.

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1 January 2025 "The thing is, you have to live through all of it. The flowing river advice and observation we all hear is true. There a...