Monday, May 21, 2012


Starting this post from beneath a tree in Prospect Park. The weather and the light today are so spectacular; it felt wrong to stay indoors all day. I think I stay indoors partly because on some deep level I feel so insecure and unsure of everything right now, I am somewhat, sometimes, in a kind of paralysis. That, and the vague feeling that I don’t have the right to enjoy the neighborhood and the surroundings I am soon to be leaving.

But I did get out. I treated myself to a Ladybird weekend croissant and a latte. I found a tree on a hillside and finished my first reading of the Monsterwood script. With my headphones on and soft music playing, it is remarkably peaceful. I must be sitting at the foot of a good squirrel tree as one tentatively approached me, its mouth full of a still-wrapped Tootsie Roll. Wish I could have photographed that. 


Monday, Monday. You can't trust that day. From the glorious light of yesterday to rain and thunder. There might have been lightning, as there so often is, but I was mostly asleep, so I didn't see.

It's a tough day, but it is a day, so I am going to make an attempt to get some things done, find a job, and save my own life.

I did take a nice two mile walk in the late afternoon. I used the time to catch up with an old friend, spurred on by the news that another old friend was separating from his spouse. At least I feel good enough to talk to people, which for a few weeks, I did not. I also chatted with KH at length. So there you go.

And I do find this interesting. Even on a day of torrential rain, there are screaming children outside. Maybe they are just enjoying the deluge.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're getting out and about. Even little segues into the out-of-doors are healing and energy-making, usually. And talking to other humans is good. I find I get out of practice and hermit-ish if I go too long without, no matter how much time I spend on facebook. Practicing music, making art, writing, all necessary, but not the full, healthy picture, for me.



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