Tell me this is not the expression of peace and contentment. Not my expression, of course, but Cooder is channeling a groove for me here. We had some good naps yesterday and today. And that would lead one to believe I am sleeping better. And I am.

I finished a working draft of the old resume! I sent it off to the career counselor for feedback and I will re-address the document tomorrow. What a weight off of my little mind. I just chillaxed the rest of the weekend, napping, hanging with the cats, watching Season 2 of
Battlestar Galactica. I did make some significant progress on cleaning off my desk. And I even worked on the kitchen woodwork. Always so much to clean.
Today, I walked down 8th Avenue to Atlantic in the late afternoon. As always, there are new things to be seen and speculated about. I just liked the colors of these bricks.
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