Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It is a truth universally acknowledged that being sick is not fun.
I'm sure Jane Austen will forgive me for stealing her opening line, or part of it.

I'm in the on-and-off feverish, sneezing and nose-blowing, crappy-feeling-but-still-can't-sleep-or-read-or-sometimes-even-watch-movies mode. Mayhap tomorrow will be a better day. Feel on the edge of slippin' into darkness ...

I spent a little time in the angry and dismayed zone today, too. That can't be good for recuperation. That energy gets ahold of one and rationality and kindness and even self-preservation go by the wayside pretty quickly. I am thankful to myself for tempering myself to not act immediately.

As my old friend Kirk Foster once remarked, "Our first reactions are often regrettable."

I think the Buddha suggested that we "look within" and "be still."

1 comment:

  1. Live in Joy

    Live in Joy, In love,
    Even among those who hate.

    Live in joy, In health,
    Even among the afflicted.

    Live in joy, In peace,
    Even among the troubled.

    Look within. Be still.
    Free from fear and attachment,
    Know the sweet joy of living in the way.


    There is no fire like greed,
    No crime like hatred,
    No sorrow like separation,
    No sickness like hunger of heart,
    And no joy like the joy of freedom.

    Health, contentment and trust
    Are your greatest possessions,
    And freedom your greatest joy.

    Look within. Be still.
    Free from fear and attachment,
    Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

    from the Dhammapada, Words of the Buddha



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