Tuesday, December 2, 2014


The back is a bit more uncomfortable today, possibly because of yesterday’s exertions. I did buy an inexpensive brace to wear tomorrow whilst moving furniture and what not.

(This is part of the design.)
Today, I am sorting some boxes and figuring out how to deploy things to last me for the next couple of days that I am here. Amazing what I found in a (badly packed) box of papers. One of my favorite finds was the Chrysalis Records release poster for Jethro Tull’s Minstrel in the Gallery, a record I can only scarcely remember. I would bet that most of you don’t remember it either (except for MOZ). If I hadn’t packed up my printer, I would post certainly scan a few things for you. Ah, Ian Anderson and his omnipresent codpiece. 

Yesterday, I made it to the post office with some packages I have been driving around for weeks, waiting for money. When I got to the post office, it was closed for lunch. There. Fifteen minutes to wait. I mention this because instead of waiting in the car, twiddling with my iPhone, or rooting around for a book, I had this carpe diem moment and chose to head to the nearby reservoir to seek out photo opportunities.

I find it interesting that I want to post again after weeks of not being able to really talk. So stress adds to silence, hmmm? Being depressed about money, being so powerless, is worse than brokenheartedness about a relationship. And as I recall, that was pretty damn crappy, requiring hours with the covers over my head and lots of crying.

Many many tears have been shed over the past few weeks. There was also an inability to relate to much of anyone. Only my desire to be kind and considerate to my beyond-kind-and-considerate hosts kept me in the world of pleasantries at all. They have plenty on their family and professional plates at the moment and they don't need any more worries or emotional weight. 

While I fully acknowledge my prejudices, there is still something satisfying about seeing a cat contentedly curled on your pillows, basking in the warmth of the lamplight and your company. A nice, comforting package of the rightness of right now. 

Meanwhile, desultorily packing and cleaning, I am working on a mix, one in the series of Bird songs or songs about birds ... and Freebird came up and I found myself tapping my toes. No idea what this means. Lynyrd Skynyrd and contentment? 

1 comment:

  1. I certainly do remember The Minstrel In The Gallery
    And speaking of birds and songs and Ian Anderson, he has an album (a pretty good one I thought) called The Language of Birds



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