Monday, November 18, 2013


America the Beautiful. That's the carillion recording coming across the street from the church for the six o'clock ringing. Now we have moved on to The Battle Hymn of the Republic. These songs are dangerous as they can get stuck in your head. I think it will end soon. I hope it will end soon. Yes. Only five minutes. I could probably sleep through that if I were napping ... and I worked hard today to avoid inactivity and stasis.

I fought off an avoidance nap today with a walk around the 'hood and some reading in the park.The park was nothing short of splendid. I am battling the demons a bit, so I just forced myself away from the table and the bed and went to the park to work on Proust. (118 pages to read in three days.) I sat under a tree with the window blowing through the leaves for quite some time. The air was crisp, sharp, and mild. 

The park was spectacular and there were fleeting moments of well-being. These photos do not do justice to the colors and the day.

I'm not writing much. I had some feedback that my posts were a little bit 'thin' and maybe not so compelling. I'm struggling. You've heard that plenty of times before, so I am mostly keeping to myself.

Hallowe'en survivor.

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