At any rate, the evening was lovely, like exquisitely chilled wine, producing just a slight frisson of coolness. The air was clear. The people sitting around me were not too noisy or anything, didn't talk too much through the music.
I am staying with John and Mel, my old building, and I can finally be here without feeling the loss and the wanting of my old apartment. Getting used to it. That's a relief.
Tonight is my book group and I will have likely read this month's assignment although I am no close to understanding what the point of The Brothers Karamazov is. I will do some internet research a bit later to see if I can get some insight. One of the B's is in the group and she, too, is challenged by this one. I can see Dostoevsky's brilliance as writer, but man, this is a tough read. I am enjoying listening to Crime and Punishment much more.
I suppose my other option is to listen to The Brothers Karamazov as I had long ago purchased (and forgotten) this from We shall see.
Today is cooler, only getting up to 71 today and rain tonight.
So on with the day.
Cooder and Emmy enjoying the porch. |
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