Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well, here's a little mid-week check-in.

Plans are made for departure to Oakland on Sunday as the gig officially ends on Friday. Quelle dommage. Perhaps the employment trend will continue when I make it back to the Right Coast. I will be checking in on some long-distance work originating in the Bay Area. It would be so helpful to have even a small amount of income.

Wish me luck in my attempts to empty out my storage space in Berkeley. I will need all the help and good wishes I can get. As it turns out, my yard sale maven friend, CW, was already considering a yard sale for the 20th of October and if that happens I might be able to place some items there. Serendipity? Coincidence? Harmonic convergence?

I am still stunned that it is October. Really. My head thinks it is about February or maybe May. Then again, I don't really want to review this year.

There are many things to like about Seattle. It feels so small and easy to get around, although there are lots of cars and freeways here, and I am fairly certain traffic gets snarly and slow. And perhaps it is more boring in some of the outer parts; Belltown is close to Downtown and the office area is lively with workers during the day.

I do find this a bit curious. The last couple of days I have gone to lunch by myself instead of with my team mates, mostly because I want to read and relax. But on more than one occasion, that I was reading by myself at lunch was remarked upon by my servers. Now, I am pretty sure that a person lunching by themselves and reading would be utter invisible to anyone in New York City or even the Bay Area. I guess Bookwormism is not practiced in the same way in these parts.

I do like the Space Needle.

It's a bit nippy in my room and I cannot figure out how to work the thermostat. Must be time to dive under the covers. I could use a long night's sleep.

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