Thursday, August 23, 2012


Wednesday, August 22? 11:00 pm.
No pictures today. Most of the day I had my nose to the grindstone or the computer or both. And then there I was thinking I had all sorts of insights and energy to write. Turns out not to be true. So, time to shut this down, brush my teeth and crawl into bed. There may well be a resurgence of writing interest in the morning.

Thursday, August 23rd, 10:12 pm

Now here I am sleepy again without any pictures to post. I worked at it today, worked at moving forward. The day was certainly not without procrastination, but I did accomplish a resume update and an-almost-ready-to-send draft of a cover letter for a job I am actually interested in. I'm giving myself the night to sleep on it and to see if I wake in the morning with some of my "special" sauciness that does occur to me.

Yesterday was a bit more disappointing as all three job/work related discussions came, well not to naught, but naught to progress really. I did take a bit of an emotional dive there, but not so far down as to prevent coming up for air and doing some more swimming.

Iris and I had not seen one another since the move, although we have managed to keep barely up on the telephone. We had planned a meal for this week, but given our relative and mutual states of bummedness, there was no assurance 'twould come to pass. In fact, I woke yesterday morning planning to bail. As did Iris, as it turned out when we did have dinner! 

And my/our virtue was rewarded. We were both energized and cheered merely by being together. I got to see Iris' fabulously remodelled kitchen, a project in which I had a small, organizational role, and then Iris took me to dinner at the Jackson Diner. The Jackson Diner, you say? Why isn't that one of the premier Indian restaurants in the area. To which I respond with a hearty and enthusiastic yes. Given that I had not had much to eat yesterday, the treat was all the more appreciated. AND their was no traffic on the BQE in either direction. Must have been virtue rewarded!

I came down to one of the Bs empty apartment to see if some solitude would give me some focus that I have yet to attain in my new surroundings. I had three meetings set up. And, 'though I tarried and parried with the possibilities of not showing up as planned, I did arrive at all three appointments. And on time.

So, I return upstate without any manifest progress ... well, I WILL HAVE EMMYLOU with me, but I do think I made some internal progress. Now for another few steps.


  1. We will miss Emmy and so will Tupelo. Be sure to get her a collar with her vitals on it!

  2. Oh!! Is she going home with you?? That's progress :)



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