Be careful with that listening to Nancy Wilson. My friend Pierre sent me several killah cds worth of vintage Nancy and I am somewhere time travelling to where I am thinking
Someone to Watch Over Me makes a lot of sense. And you know that that aint' right, so sayeth Janis.
Picked up the car, again, and there is still another issue with the door and the lock. The door and the lock ... that sounds like a title or a topic for philosophical discussion. I don't feel a pressing need to lock my car here in the suburbs. And I am kind of willing to brave it in Park Slope.
This is Cooder on Saturday afternoon after I had been gone for two nights. |
Not much to report but not quite so relentlessly distressed. I have just paid attention to other things. Today was the Brewster Farmer's Market. The Swiss chard and celery were so gorgeous I could not resist. This led to a lot of cooking today. The tomatoes looked okay, too, so I made a Marcella Hazan fresh tomato-based sauce. There's celery soup cooling on the stove at 10:38. And I combined a couple of recipes to come up with Swiss chard with raisins and pine nuts.
I have to confess, few things gratify me more than people wolfing, daintily, of course, down my food. Amazingly, the Swiss chard and the pasta dish were done at the same time so dinner looked much more coordinated than it was. And even I thought the fresh tomato with sauteed vegetable sauce over rotini was superb. It did not even need cheese, in my opinion.
Melinda with Emmylou. Bless her for keeping those photos coming.
Plus, there was wine left over from the celery soup, so I got to drink and cook, which is fun, if dangerous. Now, it is time to put the clothes in the dryer and head for bed.
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