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12 fevrier
We are all a bit edgy what with the heater not working and a cold spell back upon us. I have ventured out of my bed to see if I can be useful at all, but between the chill and the cats, I might just go back to bed. In the summer, my office window is open during the day so that the cats can come and go as they like. However, they don't seem to think anything of the weather, so they just jump up and request to go out or come in with obnoxious frequency.
Idrisse, in particular, is a crazy-making kitty. She will pound on my bedroom window should I be on my bed. When I go to the backdoor to let her in, she sits on top of the cabinet adjacent to the kitchen door to ponder whether she does want to come in or if she would rather stay outside. Some of her rumination is due to fear of Vera, however, I attribute most of it to her exercising what she thinks of as her kitty rights to be indecisive. The other cats are more forthwith about their comings and goings, which is generally related to food, although sometimes inclement weather can influence them.
Last week on Wednesday, I spoke to one of the domineers, Joseph, and he did not sound very well. When queried he said he felt fine. Yesterday, Diane called to say that he was in ICU due to covid and pneumonia. Why are we all so reluctant to see to our health? Meanwhile, Janet has been hacking off her head today. I think she needs to stop drinking coffee as I think this cough is acid reflux. I found some omeprazole and Claritin to give her, the Claritin having been recommended by her doctor. The incessant coughing gets on my last nerve and all of those in between.
I also had a very frustrating day with my French study. I just kept messing up which, of course, made me mess up more. I think I need to go read some English and ice my knee. To be continued.
The next morning.
Janet is still hacking although it has subsided somewhat due to the administration of hot black cherry tea and Vicks Vapor Rub. McCoy is clicking around the house because he staid inside for breakfast instead of running out with Fox and Nina. I would get up, probably, but Vera and Bebop have me somewhat pinned down. I probably won’t be able to stand Janet’s coughing for much longer. Or those cat nails on hardwood floors signalling the call of the wild.
The day started out somewhat warmer and sunnier, which did give me some hope for a warmer day. That, however, has gone and I believe the temperature is dropping. I’d like to get Janet in the shower, but I am afraid she would get colder without benefit of the heater. I don’t need the complaining. At any rate, I should get up as Janet is getting a visit from a PT and I need to clean the carpet and straighten up.
In better news, I haven’t taken any pain pills but my knee is not hurting. I am still very very stiff when I get up. I slept deliciously late, having a dream about a yoga studio where the questionnaire about previous experience pissed me off mightily. I was yelling at and humiliating people. Very Zen of me. Sigh. I would prefer to continue to stay cuddled with Vera and Bebop, practice my French and then read some more of Monkey Boy, but I have things to attend to. I will do a little French before I get up.
15 March 2023
The relentless rain has relented enough for the hummingbirds to venture out for some food. The wisteria is blooming notwithstanding the inclement weather. As I look out into the yard, all I see is relentless wet and green. Weeds as high as an elephant's eye.
Been a long month.
Joseph shared his covid with Janet and she, in turn, shared it with me. Although she is 96, I became more ill than she. My first night I was crazy feverish, aching, moaning, and throwing off all the covers. I tested positive for a good two weeks and was down for most of that time, missing physical therapy and everything else. Except French. Every day, the French. Saigon, I'm still only in Saigon.
Must fly now for a doctor's appointment.
25 April 2023
Finishing this post is what is getting in the way of writing more. So here goes.